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Directed by Scott Edge/Nolan Dean

Michael Dennis

Natalie Canerday

Johnnie Brannon

Caleb Spillyards

Tim Holder

  • Made for the Family Life film series, Men Stepping Up.

  • Natalie Canerday, who plays the mother of Chris, is widely known for her performance as Linda Wheatley in Sling Blade. She also played in several films such as October Sky, One False Move, Walk The Line and most recently, The TV Show Quarry.

  • Tim Holder is also known for his role as Albert, the love interest to John Ritter's character Vaughn in the film Sling Blade

  • Caleb Spillyards made the move to LA and back down to New Orleans, Louisiana where he has been cast in several films, including the current No. 1 movie in the nation, Happy Death Day






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